Who: Primarily Medical Assistant (Outer islands), District Principal Nursing Officer and Medical Assistants (Tarawa)
• Public health nurses to plan at clinic level
When: Once a year
Supporting Tools: All ‘how to guides’. Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4
Microplanning is a process which can be utilized at the national, district and health facility level to identify health problems and find corrective solutions, using data.
The Role Delineation Policy provides a clear and consistent basis for health service planning and management and to guide the allocation of resources. The DPNO responsible for health system within the District, Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring and Evaluation (by their responsibility) should play a leading role in guiding medical assistants (MA) to develop their planning, implementation and monitoring efforts. The MA should then coordinate all the activities targeted at the clinic level, and leading the public health nurses to develop the clinic plans, track and implement the plan.
Primary Health Care, or PHC, refers to "essential health care" that is based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology, which make universal health care accessible to all individuals and families in a community. There are 8 steps involved in planning for PHC services: 1. Preparations, 2. Situation analysis, 3. Set objectives and annual activities, 4. Identify problems and plan activities, 5. Estimate resource needs, 6. Select indicators for monitoring, 7. Monitor progress, 8. Use micro-planning as a management tool.
Planning for Community engagement is one component of the microplanning process needed for a strong PHC system.